воскресенье, 22 мая 2011 г.

nuova lancia y

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  • DaftRyan
    Apr 9, 12:28 AM
    I would love to have a conversation with the headhunters who managed to pull this one off. Talk about talent.

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  • CylonGlitch
    Mar 18, 09:55 AM
    Those of you who are so upset over this, please, get a lawyer, and start a class action lawsuit. Let's get this matter settled, should we, or should we not be allowed to use our data any way we want?

    I'm not a lawyer, but I do think we should be allowed to use our data how we want. If you're on the 2GB plan, who cares if you use 2GB tethering or 2GB of emails, you should be allowed to use it any way you want.

    With an unlimited plan, yeah, there needs to be something in place because truly unlimited just bring out a few a-holes who abuse it and makes life miserable for everyone.

    Still; let a judge decide, get this going and see who finally wins. Best case, AT&T loses and we get tethering for our data plans. Worst case, AT&T offers no unlimited plans anymore and at the end of every contract EVERYONE has to get off, and you still have to pay for tethering. I'm guessing we'll see something in the middle. You can stay on unlimited, but are not allowed to tether, or you can move to a capped plan (2gb, 4gb, etc..) but can use it any way you want.

    Go for it, make it happen, let's get it settled!

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  • flopticalcube
    Mar 13, 01:59 PM
    Perfectly fine using the new designs that run safer and can even recycle their own waste. I would not have dismissed the entire car industry just because the early models lacked safety features and had high fatality and breakdown rates. It's early days still for the nuclear power industry. We do need to work on uranium mining and milling practices, however.

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 12, 02:27 AM

    Please stop speculating about the situation of the Japanese nuclear reactors, protocols, and regulations, or how they--those specific ones--work.

    Unless you are an expert with a background in chemical/nuclear engineering, and an expert not only on just nuclear reactors but also Japanese nuclear regulations, then you aren't really in a place to criticize from halfway around the world. We derive 30% of our power from nuclear reactors, we know what we are doing. We aren't unnecessarily paranoid about nuclear power like the west is.

    We know very little about the situation with the Japanese reactors, and even less about the reactors themselves.

    Comparing them to the 30+ year old standards of the impoverished USSR is rather inappropriate.

    Phht...I guess you're new to the internet on this side of the world. You should check NewsVine...where every American is an expert in politics, science, engineering, sociology, pschology, blah blah blah...oh, yeah...the most popular field "economics" in these past years. And Digg...forget about it...that one extends down to the gutter expertise! ;)

    Keep it clean, this isn't the time to be joking, and it's pretty tasteless, about as bad as CNN's Godzilla jokes; sometimes I wonder if it just doesn't register with people just because it didn't happen to them.

    I wouldn't take it personally. This is just how people are. I mean, when September 11 happened, I'm sure nearly everyone in the Middle East thought it was somewhat funny and joked a lot about it. It's just that most of them didn't have internet access. And then we wiped those smiles off their face by dropping 500 lb bombs on their "brothers"! :p

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  • skunk
    Apr 26, 05:20 PM
    Have we just passed through the looking glass? :confused:

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  • whatever
    Oct 25, 10:44 PM
    I just got my mac pro a month and a half ago.
    Don't worry about it.

    There is no reason for Apple to change the MacPro line at this point. Maybe in January, but even then I doubt it.

    Intel is just trying to bury AMD, which they are (AMD closed at $20.83 (just think a few months ago they were trading over $40.00) and Intel closed at $21.72 (a few months ago they were trading at $16.00)).

    Apple said it last week, Pros are waiting for CS3 before they upgrade, so expect to hear the announcement of upgraded Mac Pros once Adobe finishes up their applications.

    Besides wasn't there a thread a few weeks back which stated that the 8 Core machines run slower than the Quads?

    Don't worry about it. I know that my new MacPro has already paid for itself.

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  • Sydde
    Mar 14, 12:20 PM
    This here page, fwiw (http://week.manoramaonline.com/cgi-bin/MMOnline.dll/portal/ep/contentView.do?contentId=8976200&programId=1073754912&pageTypeId=1073754893&contentType=EDITORIAL), says the carrier RR was exposed to thirty days radiation in an hour. There are more than 700 hours in a month. You do the math.

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  • OneMammoth
    May 2, 09:11 AM
    About as huge as most windows ones!

    Bigger, most Windows PC have anti-virus, can you say the same for Macs?

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  • Analog Kid
    Sep 26, 12:21 AM
    Until they get the 45nm process up and going, I think this is going to be the top of the line. 4 cores topping out around the mid 2GHz range.

    I wonder if this is Intel's long term strategy-- keep the cores relatively untouched, but double the number with each process step. That'll be entertaining for a generation or so, but they're going to have to come up with something else.

    My bet? Specialized cores. You've got some that are optimized for floating point, some for application logic, some for media. This is where Cell gets it right, I think-- they're a step too far ahead for now though.

    Biggest problem is getting the system to know what threads to feed to what core, and to get application writers to specialize their threads.

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 12, 04:51 PM
    Yes Mulitmedia these are the same morons with too much money and too little sense , These are the same people who are saying ..ohhh why can't Conroe go into an iMac , but i want a Woodcrest , hey I don't care if Merom is Pin compatible can't they go with Conroe for it's better perfromance ..lol

    What a bunch of whiny daddy's boys , no sense at all they just obey the all mighty Stevie Jobs when he lies about how the new MacPro is THE FASTEST PEECEE IN THE WORRRRLD:pCareful. You can get banned for calling anyone here a naughty name. They will go whining to the moderators and a moderator who might not like you in the first place will lock you out of the process. So I don't disrespect anyone in writing here any more. Everyone here is beautiful and fun to be with. :)

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  • chabig
    Sep 20, 08:00 AM
    I know of at least one company (http://www.itv.com/) in the UK who won't be too happy if they keep that name.
    Pay attention. That's NOT the name. That's just what we're calling it today.

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  • m4c1nt05h
    May 5, 06:35 PM
    i really don't understand all the people in NYC who have dropped calls multiple times a day.

    i live in brooklyn, ny and work in manhattan. i have NEVER experienced the amount of dropped calls as some people on macrumors (who live in the nyc area) have.

    i want to know how many calls for those who have all these "problems" with AT&T make a day. i do not have a land line, so my iphone is the only phone i have. i have owned an 1st gen iphone and i have had a 3Gs for almost 1 year.

    i make, on average, about 5 - 20 calls a day. i may experience a dropped call or a call that didn't go through about 3 - 5 times PER MONTH.

    the only annoyance that i have experienced more often than i'd like has to do with visual voicemail. sometimes, when i try to play my messages via visual voicemail, it never connects. so i have dial my iPhone's # and check my messages the old school way. but that doesn't happen that often.

    for all those people who have dropped calls every day, are your iPhones jailbroken? i am not sure that would have anything to do with it, though.

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  • XjeffX
    May 5, 04:54 PM
    I would be thrilled if only 4.5% of my calls were dropped. While I don't use talk on the phone much, nearly 50% of my calls end up dropping at some point.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 06:10 PM
    What is a "devout atheist"? :confused:

    They genuflect without warning, something like an epileptic. :rolleyes:

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  • pkson
    Apr 21, 08:44 PM
    ....yeah the anti-virus software that I don't use.

    It's a clever marketing ploy.



    I didn't know you were still here.

    So all those people telling you that stealing is bad and everything just flew over your head, eh?
    And you post rubbish like... well like your post?

    I don't know much about you, but whatever you do in the future (or maybe now) when people steal stuff from you, I'm sure you would be OK... or is that considered bad because you're not as rich as Kanye?

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 11:10 PM

    I hope Apple comes out with a single clovertown chip tower in 07 that runs on cheap standard DDR2 memory and maybe just one optical drive bay. I do like the 4 HD bays though.What you are asking for will be Kentsfield not single Clovertown. Different motherboard not Clovertown compatible. Clovertown is specifically designed to be run in tandum with another Clovertown. Kentsfield is specifically designed to run as one on a Conroe motherboard with the cheaper more popular DDR2 RAM.On a side note, the people arguing that 8 cores is just too much power are pretty damn funny. There are thousands of people like multimedia that need more cores. I'm not one of them but at least I understand their need. Some poeple on here are clueless.Thanks for the props. :)

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  • munkery
    May 2, 06:23 PM
    Vulnerabilities are found in everything. It's not like sudo, RBAC or any other Unix scheme that's similar to Windows' UAC/RunAs has been vulnerability free all these years. This is besides the point that UAC is not somehow inferior. It's just an implementation of limited privilege escalation, same as you find on Unix systems. "Unix security" is not being any better here.


    Here is a list of privilege escalation (UAC bypass) vulnerabilities just related to Stuxnet (win32k.sys) in Windows in 2011:


    Here is a list of all of the privilege escalation vulnerabilities in Mac OS X in 2011:


    BTW, the system call for that local in OS X was no longer needed so it was removed from OS X. It was only used in relation to 32 bit processes.

    Have I claimed such a beasts exists ? No. Why should I then be made to provide an example of it ?

    Why are you going on and on about something that is not a common threat in the wild?

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  • dmelgar
    Jul 8, 12:01 AM
    I'm still on the iPhone 3G. I was seriously considering ditching AT&T and the iPhone 4 for Sprint/EVO 4G or Verizon/Droid X because I was dropping call every single call in my house (no joke, every single call) and multiple calls per day around town a few weeks ago, BUT...

    I haven't dropped a call for a couple of weeks now and have had great reception in my house recently, as well. Really odd, but encouraging as I decide what you do about replacing this phone.
    I've had poor AT&T coverage as well. Could never reliably make a call at home. After suffering for 2 years I ditched and went with the HTC Incredible on Verizon. Couldn't be happier. 3G coverage EVERYWHERE. I forgot what it was like to have coverage. Its like day and night. Over the last month, I've grown to really like Android as well.

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  • kingcrowing
    Jul 12, 05:23 PM
    well they will all have the same mobo, so conroe on the low end and woodcrest on the high ends isnt an option, its one or the other. But Im assuming its going to be woodcrest and the low end one will have only 1 dual core processor, but it'll have an open ZIF slot so you can drop in a 2nd processor aftermarket (but this would never be supported by apple because unlike RAM, you need to also install a heatsink and thermal paste) due to that face the low end might just have 4 much slower processors like 4x2.32ghz on the low and then liuke 4x3.4ghz on the high end. I personally would rather have 4 slower processors than 2 slightly faster processors because Ido more multi tasking than super intensive programs.

    Jiggy- They are right, the reason people pay $3200+ for a quad G5 is because they use their computer for a living, doing serious video editing, music editing, anything like that- more processors are never a liability and if you spend everyday on that coputer then its worth the extra few hundred dollars (even $1k) to someone who really needs the power

    Amazing Iceman
    May 2, 07:04 PM
    Ah, Geek Squad... Do they let you drive the Bug?

    Sorry, I don't work for Best Buy... They don't pay enough... and their employees don't really know much about anything, specially about MACs.

    You go ahead, drive the bug and be happy.

    Apr 21, 08:46 AM
    That's exactly the reason for the Walled Garden: superior User Experience. The "walled garden" is the reason Apple is so successful today. A controlled, tight, cohesive ecosystem based on a vertical business model - if done right - will *always* be superior to anything else out there. The proof is all laid out before you every day in the tech news feeds.

    If Apple had done anything else, it would just be more undifferentiated crap, barely distinguishable from the rest of the flotsam and jetsam out there.

    A few people out there just can't stand it that a closed, controlled platform is so damned successful and actually represents the ideal.

    Which is ironic considering Steve Jobs lamented the carriers walled garden. I love my iPhone, but I also understand that I traded AT&Ts walled garden for Apples.

    Jun 7, 09:42 PM
    what is the number one thing people actually use ... its the phone.

    atnt here in ATL has gotten noticeably worse over the past month. It was already bad. This puts serious damper on my staying with atnt and switching over to verizon with android.

    May 2, 04:15 PM
    Its not a myth, we've interviewed hackers after conviction, they have no interest in pursuing Macs due to the numbers. To get a really good and useful bot net you'd need roughly 25% of the entire user base!!!!

    these guys deal in tens of millions!
    That's completely false. The current installed base of Macs is around 100 million, and it grows by over a million Macs per month. You don't need a certain percentage of market share for a useful botnet; you need numbers. You talking to a handful of hackers is hardly conclusive. I can interview a handful of people in my neighborhood and find a consensus on any number of falsehoods. Get some facts (rather than making stuff up) and then re-join the discussion.

    Mar 18, 11:37 AM
    This is just going to hurt Apple in the eyes of the music industry.

    The argument that, "It's gonna happen anyway, so they shouldn't complain" is rhetorical nonsense-- this is the RIAA we're talking about, people.

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