воскресенье, 22 мая 2011 г.

love quotes for your boyfriend

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  • rikers_mailbox
    Sep 20, 03:03 AM
    If Iger is correct and iTV has a hard drive.. then I beleive iTV could serve as an external iTunes Library server/device. Authorized computers can access and manage it using iTunes (running as a client). iTS downloads, podcasts, imported physical CDs, etc would all be stored on iTV.

    Look at your hard drive usage, Music takes up a significant amount of it. Why does it need to be kept on your local machine if iTV provides a network?

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  • fixyourthinking
    Sep 20, 10:22 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Long term Apple fans will remember that Apple almost launched an Apple Set Top Box (http://guides.macrumors.com/Apple_Set_Top_Box) years ago but it was never officially released. Interestingly, the system was described as "Apple's ITV system" (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2000/04/20000426204518.shtml) in a press-release, indicating that Apple has recycled this codename (iTV). The final name for the upcoming system has not yet been decided.

    Ironically the set top box was "field tested" at Disneyland in California. It was going to be a movie/cableTV and shopping kiosk in your hotel room via your TV.

    I own several of these boxes and the hard drives contained videos of Disneyland and shopping.

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  • wlh99
    Apr 6, 10:29 AM
    I'm was a complete Mac virgin when I switched a couple of months ago but some of the small things that still annoy me.

    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    Try cmd-del. (or cmd-backspace. I don't recall what it's labeled on a Mac keyboard, as I prefer a PC 101 key style)

    2. It's kinda' weird that the menu bar shows at the top of the screen and not the window. When you have alot of windows open I sometimes go into the menu bar thinking it belongs to another program than what I intended.

    Even more confusing with dual monitors.

    3. There's no ".." button in finder(i.e. go one level up a directory structure)

    At the bottom of the finder window it shows the complete hierarchy. You can click on that to go wherever you need. This is actually the was Vista and Windows 7 now work too, but they put the hierarchy at the top.

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  • deannnnn
    May 6, 10:04 PM
    i really don't understand all the people in NYC who have dropped calls multiple times a day.

    i live in brooklyn, ny and work in manhattan. i have NEVER experienced the amount of dropped calls as some people on macrumors (who live in the nyc area) have.

    i want to know how many calls for those who have all these "problems" with AT&T make a day. i do not have a land line, so my iphone is the only phone i have. i have owned an 1st gen iphone and i have had a 3Gs for almost 1 year.

    i make, on average, about 5 - 20 calls a day. i may experience a dropped call or a call that didn't go through about 3 - 5 times PER MONTH.

    the only annoyance that i have experienced more often than i'd like has to do with visual voicemail. sometimes, when i try to play my messages via visual voicemail, it never connects. so i have dial my iPhone's # and check my messages the old school way. but that doesn't happen that often.

    for all those people who have dropped calls every day, are your iPhones jailbroken? i am not sure that would have anything to do with it, though.

    I'm jealous.

    I walk from the village to Gramercy every day, and during this time, I usually chat on my iPhone. The call usually drops 1-2 times... and that's outside. In my apartment? Forget about it. 50% of my calls are dropped.

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  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 01:10 PM
    Matthew 5:18-19
    Mark 7:9-13
    Luke 16:17

    Also, I love the use of the term "true Christian". It's perfect:


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  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 29, 08:34 AM
    There are thousands maybe millions of people out there that had there first computer experience on a Windows computer that now are sitting in the business world using Macs.
    Who are they?
    All those kids from all those schools that used to use Windows.
    I am a teacher. I've personally taught lots of them. Schools are now using Mac machines. I'd been using Windows machines for 15 years. I got sick of using Windows bloated OS, waiting for Windows to get rid of the registry. I switched to Mac.

    See, anecdotes are fun. But, uh, what's your point?

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  • skunk
    Mar 15, 01:34 PM
    Come to think of it...it wouldn't be too bad if Japan had to mass evacuate because of contamination. I mean, that place might eventually like blow up and flood at some point in the future right? It looks like it's on the verge of happening actually.

    That would be pretty cool if they evacuated now. I mean, where would they go you may ask? I think they would mostly come the the US. I mean, we sort of helped them build their country up after WWII and we've always had pretty strong ties. Our economy is similar too.

    Hey, we'll take Toyota, and Sony, and Mitsubishi...and heck, whatever can fit on the barges. :) I think it would be pretty symbiotic too as we use a lot of their crap anyway so might as well bring it all home. They have like the best manufacturing in the world and the US can use some of that today. We have lots of barren land all over the place that can be used for industry and Japanese ppl have the money to build here, rather than in the expensive cramped up island of theirs. Jobs for all! woot!Are you drunk?

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 30, 11:11 PM
    No AV you misunderstand. Mac Pro comes with 4 HD Sleds built in. What he's asking is if we could get more so we can have a bunch of HDs already mounted in additional sleds so we can pop 'em in real fast whenever we need to change them out for didfferent client projects.Good to know.

    Oh... That makes much more sense now. :cool:

    Now what about instead of dealing with the solution of swapping drives in/out of the Mac Pro, instead use an external fiber channel or eSATA drive enclosure with hot-swappable drives? Fiber channel would be expensive unless you're already using it, but eSATA enclosures aren't all that bad.

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  • r1ch4rd
    Apr 23, 03:46 PM
    I've concluded American Atheists who are continually challenged on their beliefs and "surrounded by enemies" are more likely to read into atheism and all it entails, rather like a convert to a religion knows the religion better than people who were born into it. Europe is very secular, compared to the US at least, and thus a lot of people are "born into" atheism/secularism.

    Well now, I don't think being an atheist actually entails anything. I certainly don't do anything specific related to it, but I know what you mean :).

    I think this is a positive thing that people can be pushed towards science and understanding - even if it is because they are having to constantly defend themselves!

    Who knows, perhaps they will find something they are passionate about and push forward science even further. Religious groups don't come accross as particularly progressive, so I guess it's up to "us" ;)

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  • JackAxe
    Sep 26, 06:27 PM
    Glad I didn't shell out the money thinking it was. 64 bit Maya is going to be nice, I'm think its coming when OSX 10.5 hits. I got Maya 8 but have not loaded it yet.

    BTW, I go to the OSX Maya forum once in while and have seen your name there. Is DD the one that got the full version?

    Nope, Bernard of course. :D

    DD has helped me out a few times with other things.

    That's what I was thinking about with leapard. I'm glad Apple is finally offering 64-bit gui support. I really didn't see a need for it, but now that these 3D apps are giving OS X the shaft, I'm eagerly awaiting it.

    I would like to try out some of 8's new modeling tools. I'm going to have to wait though, since it's practically full price for an ugprade and I'll be moving to Intel this coming year. I wish Autodesklias had a more affordable upgrade path for small shops. This coming year is going to be expensive and probably buggy.


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  • justflie
    Mar 18, 07:29 AM
    What exactly about "unlimited" don't people understand? Without limits.

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  • ChrisA
    Sep 26, 01:46 AM
    man whats next 32 cores?

    You can buy a 32 core machine today. Sun sells them. They are not cheap. I'm waiting for the day when we see "kilo-cores" and people add them like RAM, a thousand cores at a time.

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  • jaduffy108
    Aug 29, 01:01 PM
    It's a very sad reality indeed.

    ### imo, a "reality" of Apple's choosing. They should be a leader in this area! No excuses. Period. Dell? that's embarassing.

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  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 12:23 PM
    Those priests obviously weren't celibate, then.

    Yes, it really does suck that there are bad people everywhere.

    No, they weren't celibate. They're criminals. So is your pope.

    So yes, it sucks that there are bad people everywhere. It also sucks that the Catholic church ordained so many child rapists, and then sheltered the child rapists from criminal prosecution by covering up child rape, and then relocated the child rapists so that more children could be raped.

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  • Clive At Five
    Sep 21, 04:12 PM
    p.s. as for a name, how about the "Apple Jack"? Rhymes with Apple Mac, and implies "jacking" all your content into your TV? Whaddya think?

    (I've posted this before but since you brought it up, I thought I'd share my theory again...)

    There's a MUCH more systematic way that Apple could name this product.

    "AirPort" is derrived from "Air" (being the medium through which the device works) and "Port" (gateway/portal to aforementioned medium)

    So this iTV box:

    The medium through which the device works is Television and the device is a gateway/portal to the Television so add "port" to the end. Thus...



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  • FSUSem1noles
    Mar 18, 08:13 AM
    Bye, Bye, MyWi and TetherMe...

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  • dukebound85
    Mar 13, 12:31 PM
    NIMBY. I'm okay with nuclear power as long as it's far far away from where I live. Of course, it's not like my town is prone to natural (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_earthquake) disasters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Hugo) or anything.

    Sorry to burst your buble but Charleston SC has operating reactors


    Note for ships marked with refit: Sam Rayburn (SSBN-635) was converted into a training platform — Moored Training Ship (MTS-635). Sam Rayburn arrived for conversion on 1 February 1986, and on 29 July 1989 the first Moored Training Ship achieved initial criticality. Modifications included special mooring arrangements including a mechanism to absorb power generated by the main propulsion shaft. Daniel Webster (SSBN-626) was converted to the second Moored Training Ship (MTS-2 / MTS-626) in 1993. The Moored Training Ship Site is located at Naval Weapons Station Charleston in Goose Creek, South Carolina. Sam Rayburn is scheduled to operate as an MTS until 2014 while undergoing shipyard availabilities at four year intervals.

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 27, 12:27 AM
    So what? So someone had to decide which books belonged in there and which did not. The choice was most certainly partly arbitrary and partly political. I mean, even if you could reasonably claim divine inspiration for the authorship, can you also claim divine guidance for the compilation? Especially considering that various Christian sects cannot agree on even that.

    The books were selected nearly unanimously with the exception of a select few books of the bible.

    Also, if they were divinely inspired (meaning God went through the trouble of having them written), why would they not be divinely compiled together? It wouldn't make sense for God to have his scripture written, then put in a compilation with a bunch of non-scripture, then mistranslated to boot. Therefore, you either believe that there is a God and that the Bible is exactly what it is supposed to be, or you believe neither

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  • UnixMac
    Oct 9, 07:53 PM
    Originally posted by jefhatfield

    that alone is enough reason for me to buy mac ;)

    it's not way more expensive for what you get, but i would like to see ibooks be $999 us and tibooks $1999 for starters

    towers can come down a couple hundred and emac could stand to be $999 and imac at $1099

    crt imac can go for $599 and os x can go for $99 dollars

    but i still prefer the mac os and mac hardware over windows and pc boxes/laptops

    Amen Brother!

    Apr 23, 03:46 PM
    I've concluded American Atheists who are continually challenged on their beliefs and "surrounded by enemies" are more likely to read into atheism and all it entails, rather like a convert to a religion knows the religion better than people who were born into it. Europe is very secular, compared to the US at least, and thus a lot of people are "born into" atheism/secularism.

    Well now, I don't think being an atheist actually entails anything. I certainly don't do anything specific related to it, but I know what you mean :).

    I think this is a positive thing that people can be pushed towards science and understanding - even if it is because they are having to constantly defend themselves!

    Who knows, perhaps they will find something they are passionate about and push forward science even further. Religious groups don't come accross as particularly progressive, so I guess it's up to "us" ;)

    Mar 18, 09:26 AM
    And stop making silly assumptions about subjects you know nothing about.

    I've had an iPhone for a few years now and have unlimited data.

    Sep 12, 05:04 PM
    As an IT consultant, I recommend for anyone who's thinking of using an Airport Express for audio or a Mac Mini for a living room computer (or now this new iTV that will come out next year) to just spend the money on getting a wired connection. Ultimately, wireless will not be at the quality it needs to be to handle this throughput CONSISTENTLY. I still get skips on my Airpot Express when streaming from iTunes.

    As an IT consultant you should know about caching. The bandwidth is there, a little bit of caching and the inconsistency caused by an occasional glitch in the throughput won't even be noticed. OS X doesn't do extensive read-ahead caching over network file systems. It's arguable whether a general-purpose OS even should (You and I probably both want it to but how often do you hear other users asking for it?) But with the workload that this device will be doing it's a no-brainer that doing 64-128MB of read-ahead would be a good idea. You can bet that Apple is smart enough to think of that. Hell, if they get the downloads working over the internet connection, the delivery around the LAN is much easier -- wired or wireless. 802.11g is a MUCH fatter pipe than anybody here's internet connection I'm willing to bet.

    I agree with you about the current situation. It's just a simple tweak on the client though. Right now I even have occasional glitches streaming video off my NAS over GigE but it's just the lack of caching, it's certainly not a bandwidth issue with GigE!!!

    May 2, 09:45 AM
    This is exactly the kind of ignorance I'm referring to. The vast majority of users don't differentiate between "virus", "trojan", "phishing e-mail", or any other terminology when they are actually referring to malware as "anything I don't want on my machine." By continuously bringing up inane points like the above, not only are you not helping the situation, you're perpetuating a useless mentality in order to prove your mastery of vocabulary.


    Really? If they cannot differentiate b/w viruses, they have no right to comment on them. There's some basic education involved in dealing with such things.

    If you cannot differentiate b/w a guest and an intruder, it's not my fault.

    Mar 13, 10:32 PM
    Can you use nuclear warheads to disperse a tsunami?

    With today's high yeild nuclear bombs, given enough time, can you detonate a nuke to vaporize/disperse the ripple of a tsunami? I know one tactic of fleet warfare is like to vaporize the water under the ships to make them "fall" or something like that.

    I mean, I don't know how many megatons this will take or how much of the tsunami will be vaporized and sent up into the air, but maybe at some point it will reduce the force and profile of the incomming wave? :)
    That's a pretty short sighted idea. Even if that were an effective way to stop a tsunami do you really think it's very wise to drop radioactive waste on all of our problems?

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