воскресенье, 22 мая 2011 г.

justin bieber with glasses smiling

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  • ieber glasses. Justin

  • Eidorian
    Sep 26, 12:26 AM
    Where's the eight-core Memromn?Not happening.


    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber with glasses
  • justin bieber with glasses

  • BrianMojo
    Sep 12, 05:09 PM
    This was released to make the other movie companies fold and agree to sign and give Apple their content. Why else would they allow everyone this info this early in the game? It is to make the movie industry drool and sell their stuff through iTunes.

    Nail on the head, imo.

    Agreed. If it can't do HD, I'll pass.


    There's no reason they would've put component outs on it if it won't (eventually) do HD.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber with glasses
  • justin bieber with glasses

  • heyisa
    Sep 20, 11:53 AM
    I'd rather wait for a mac mini w/iTV combo,
    that would allow you to stream Bonjour content as well.
    (could you imagine that in a dorm network!).
    I think the second generation of this will be awesome, if apple does it screw it up.

    I hope you could also use it as a seperate monitor for a computer.
    Would make it really easy to hook up a computer to a projector that way.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber with glasses
  • justin bieber with glasses

  • Peterkro
    Mar 13, 04:56 PM
    wind is not considered fine. We can only count on about 30% of it at any one time. Biggest plus they provide us is that it reduces the stress on our other systems. They allow other power planets to run at lower points and not burn as much fuel.
    30% is not considered a good back bone.

    Energy storage is yes a problem. We can store some but it is not cost effective.

    Yes at present, the U.S. for instance could provide reliable wind sources easily all it requires is investment,do you know how much investment would be needed to go nuclear,bloody huge,30% of a huge spread of windfarms would be fine.Plus there are other alternative sources that can make the system more robust,what's needed is a long term fix not short term profits.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber with glasses
  • justin bieber with glasses

  • miles01110
    May 2, 10:48 AM
    So what's your solution? Sounds like it's half "LOL Mac fanboiz r stupid" and half "Users are morons so lets keep them uninformed, and complacent on using antivirus software they don't need".

    Which would be especially genius advice since this latest malware pretends to be software that will protect their Mac.

    I'm not sure how youdrew that conclusion from my statements, but maybe things are different in your little world.

    Don't spread FUD about what the actual situation is. Practice safe computing habits like not installing cracked software or special porn codecs. Don't put your administrator password into random app installers that popup. Participate on Mac community sites to stay informed about possible threats.

    And finally - Don't install antivirus/malware software for no reason because most of them are **** anyway and will do more bad than good for your Mac.

    That's fine, but that's not what most fanboys espouse. "THERE ARE NO VIRUSES FOR OS X!!!" is not the same as "There is no malware for OS X," which confuses the uninformed user.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber with glasses
  • justin bieber with glasses

  • wtfk
    Aug 29, 02:32 PM
    Eh, I believe little of what Greenpeace ever says. :rolleyes:
    There's little reason to. Penn & Teller blasted them real good on their TV show "Bulls hit! (http://tinyurl.com/s4gfc)" on Showtime.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. glasses for justin bieber
  • glasses for justin bieber

  • CalBoy
    Mar 25, 02:50 PM
    Got a source for that?

    Loving v. Virginia (1967)

    Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival.... To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law. The Fourteenth Amendment requires that the freedom of choice to marry not be restricted by invidious racial discrimination. Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the State.
    (emphasis added)

    Skunk already quoted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 16, so I don't think I need to quote that again.

    Of course not, but then again, I've never needed a license to vote. Have you?

    People also have to get gun licenses, but that is clearly a right under the Constitution.

    Licenses do more than extend a privilege; they can also be helpful in administering the rights that we have.

    Conversely, I do not require a license to speak my mind in public,

    Actually, you might depending on when and where you wanted to speak. Parades need permits and most large protests have to be cleared beforehand so that traffic can be allowed to flow around it. All of these are handled by licenses.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber with glasses
  • justin bieber with glasses

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 12:45 PM
    What makes you think MacOS X still contains directory traversal vulnerabilities that were reported in 2005? Do you really think MacOS X hasn't included the known fixes that were added six years ago? Opening a zip file on MacOS X _is_ safe. Of course that zip file can contain malware, which will then by on your Mac, exactly as if you had downloaded it directly. You still have to start the malware yourself, and you will still be asked by the OS if you really, really want to run the malware.

    You and I have different meanings of safe. Opening a zip file that contains malware and then popping-up an installer without user intervention is hardly what I call safe.

    Heck, auto-opening any kind of file is wrong as far as a proper security policy goes.

    I wasn't talking about directory traversal. Just simple absolute Paths. You can make them using the -jj option to zip. This will store the full volume and path information and if you use unzip to extract the archive, it will try to place the file in that location on the system where you're unarchiving to.

    Fortunately, it seems this is not what this is doing as Archive Utility does not honor absolute paths in a zip (I tested and confirmed it after someone came in earlier and spoke up about it), so something else is amiss here. Some people around other forums are suggesting that Archive Utility will automatically execute a .pkg if it is contained in an archive. Now that is unsafe if it is the case.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber with glasses
  • justin bieber with glasses

  • mmmcheese
    Jul 12, 09:54 AM
    I expect they will be Xeon based....but here's a crazy thought. Maybe, since Intel is supposed to be designing the motherboard, they will be putting 2 dual core Conroe in each machcine. I know what you're saying...impossible. Yeah, Intel said that about the early Celeron too...no SMP, but it was possible, and popular with enthusiasts because it was affordable. If anyone would know the tricks and backdoors to unlocking the processors, it would be Intel.

    Of course I'm sure Intel would prefer to sell Xeon processors to Apple, even if they sold them at the same price as Conroe. Since Apple is Intel's new show pony, they want to have their entire processor line represented. Budget/Yonah...Mobile/Merom...Mainstream Desktop/Conroe....Workstation and Server/Xeon.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber smiling with
  • justin bieber smiling with

  • qubex
    Mar 19, 08:52 AM
    Apple programmed a flawed system - it's only fair somebody has bothered to exploit it. Maybe now they can rebuild it in a manner that is secure.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber with glasses
  • justin bieber with glasses

  • i_am_a_cow
    Mar 20, 01:21 PM
    Uhm why is the program Windows only then???
    Wow people are ignorant. It is clearly not Windows only. I can compile it on my mac if I want to. You must not have any idea what you are talking about.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. New pictures of justin bieber
  • New pictures of justin bieber

  • Wayazo
    May 5, 09:03 PM
    As much as I want to say that it s a grass is always greener type situation, in Phoenix AT&T is considered the worst. Especially indoors. They really must stretch the towers out here in the desert. I can;t even use my iphone in my home.

    I live just north of Seattle. I have an AT&T cell tower (sign on tower base identifies it as such) within line of sight less than a quarter mile away in a residential area. Inside my house I have never had a single call successfully completed on my iPhone. They have all dropped out. If I step outside where I can see the tower, about half the calls drop out. I also have delayed reception of SMS and voice mail. For example, this morning I received a voicemail that was left for me the previous evening. I've replaced my phone and cards twice without luck. My neighbor has Verizon. He can stand inside my house right next to me, get full bars, chat up a storm, SMS, browse Internet.

    Go figure.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber smiling with
  • justin bieber smiling with

  • legacyb4
    Sep 12, 06:43 PM
    So based on what was shown today, the iTV itself is not presenting itself as a recording solution, only playback.

    If that is the case, then it still misses the mark because you cannot do the one thing that a PVR can do easily which is to pick up the remote and click record without getting out of your chair (assuming your Mac is in a different room than the TV).

    You have got this all wrong.

    The iTV is a winner for these reasons:

    3) Tuners: Numerous Third Solutions (elgato for example) exist right now to capture High Def video to the Mac and PC -- the stream is pauseable.


    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber smiling with
  • justin bieber smiling with

  • steadysignal
    Apr 28, 10:33 AM
    However the iPad is not a pc, so this report is a bit on the Apple side here.

    agreed. take the ipad out and the numbers look more in line. and thats ok.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Evangelion
    Jul 13, 02:57 AM
    The point was that pretty much everything he said was bogus and flame bait. Sadly, I took the bait.

    I don't see much baiting in his post.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber glasses real.
  • justin bieber glasses real.

  • Peace
    Sep 12, 04:57 PM
    Good to know, since I'm not waiting till Q1 to upgrade. Could you elaborate on why you think that.

    Because if it is 802.11n most new Macs would have been sold between now and when the device comes out.If the "new" Macs being sold post Sept. won't have a firmware update thats going to leave a LOT of potential customers out.

    Simple matter of economics..

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber with glasses
  • justin bieber with glasses

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Apr 12, 10:15 PM
    For $299, sounds like a great deal. However, folks who have just dropped $999 on FCS are going to be angry! Wonder if there will be any sort of refund issued...

    I guess I'll stick with FCS for now, since Color is great, and I know the interface. DVD Studio Pro is also quite useful, and I'm unsure how this update will affect those products.

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. justin bieber smiling with
  • justin bieber smiling with

  • myemailisjustin
    Mar 18, 10:24 AM
    I've never once tethered or hotspotted yet my usage for last month was over 9GB....this is just normal iPhone usage for me, they better not automatically change me to the tiered plan. :mad:

    justin bieber with glasses smiling. Justin+ieber+smiling+with
  • Justin+ieber+smiling+with

  • M-5
    Apr 15, 12:31 PM
    I think one thing that would help the Gay community would be instead of focusing on how different they are focus on how much like everyone else they are. I live in one of the largest gay communities outside of San Fransisco, and as a straight male have nothing but the utmost respect and love for the Gay community. Its time though that they stepped up and said hey We are just like all of you!

    No, I don't agree with this. The GLBT shouldn't have to try to live up to the heterosexual norms of society in order to be accepted. This is really similar to when heterosexuals say "I'm alright with gay people as long as I don't see them doing gay things." Its like saying that being gay is okay as long as a person's identity is hidden from the rest of society. No, it should be accepted, and the GLBT shouldn't have to live out the heteronormative image to be treated with the resepect and dignity that human beings deserve.

    I love the message that it's alright to be who you are, and that you don't have to pretend you're straight to get some damn respect. I mean, I'm taking a university course focusing on Discriminaton in the Marketplace, and we've discussed many issues such as systemic racism primarily focusing on African Americans, or weight and ethnic discrimination. But this past week we were discussing how prevalent discrimination is against the GLBT, and there were some advertisements shown such as the Snickers Superbowl where two men eat the same snickers bar and end up having their lips meet in the middle. The ad ends with the men feeling disgusted and having to express their masculinity by ripping off their chest hair. I have several issues with this ad, such as the fact that homosexuality is still being displayed as something disgraceful and shameful that someone can't be associated with. Another is that the message is relayed that Gay men can't be masculine.

    The second ad we saw was a McDonalds commercial where a boy is conversing on the phone with his boyfriend while looking at a class photo of both of them. When the boys father comes back with his McDonalds meals, the boy has to end up call and hear his dad ask him about "the ladies." The ad ends with some message such as "Come as you are." After the ad there were a bunch of giggles coming from guys laughing at the gay nature of the ad. It sickened me because of the fact that it was a class focusing on discrimination and the apparent homophobia was so prevalent amongst my peers. I also had issues with the ad, which actually left me feeling worse about myself at the end of it. First of all, the boy had to secretly speak to his partner and hang up the call before his father returned. Then he had to listen to his father ask him about his relationship with women while the boy has to dismiss his real identity from his father.

    Ugh, and I also hate when people say "Why does the GLBT always say that we should be accepting towards them and their beliefs when on the other hand they're against people and religions who are against them; thats so hypocritical." I hate this statement because what the GLBT ask for and believe in is equality and acceptance and don't infringe on the rights of heterosexuals. While the belief that certain heterosexuals take on infringes on the rights of homosexuals and want unacceptance.

    And being gay isn't some stupid hipster fad that some of you refer to it as.

    May 2, 11:31 AM
    That's never been a reason to give up. I was raised on Shonen Anime. I don't know the meaning of the words "giving up". ;)

    HAHAHA! It's sad that I am probably the only one who liked that comment ;) I am a HUGE Shonen fan lol!

    Mar 13, 07:45 AM
    Sounds like they need to send Godzilla in to take care of the reactors...

    Mar 18, 11:30 AM
    I think ATT needs to find a middle ground with wireless data usage.

    Non-USA users, please chime in.

    I think Candaian users get "free tethering included" with their 6GB data plan?

    So ATT needs to say something like here's 5GB of data. Charge us $30 (which I think is a very fair price). And we can tether or do whatever we want with that data as long as phone plus tethering is less than 5GB a month.

    Of course, ATT is greedy and charging a ridiculous $45 for only 4GB total of data (it used to be worst and only included 2GB data).

    Oct 10, 07:55 PM

    Yes, the JVM is the deciding factor here. If the Java takes that damn long on a G4 but goes fast on a P4, can can rest assured that the JVM Apple is distributing sucks compared to whatever one the x86 machines are using.

    There is no way in heck that the performance delta can be so large without a large difference in quality of JVM. G4's may be slower, but they are not as slow as those number indicate.

    Like I've been saying, when you start to see 5x leads by the PCs you need to start asking questions about the fairness of the benchmark. The G4 is better than 1/5 the speed. There are very few things were a P4 can get better performance per clock than a G4.

    Your G3 results as bizzarre as well, because of the contrast between them and the G4 results. Do not take it as proof one way or the other of the G3 or other IBM chips being superior to the G4. What we have here are raw numbers that defy a simple explanations. We should ask why these numbers are popping up, rather than running off with them as if they were uttered by a great voice in the sky or somthing.

    Mar 13, 06:12 AM
    I think people have to realize the reactors at Fukushima--while the fuel rods may have melted down--is NOT anywhere close to a major catastrophe like what happened at Chernobyl, where the overheated uranium fuel literally turned the graphite moderator blocks into an explosive bomb and there was no containment structure to hold back the massive release of the fallout from that explosion.

    It's more like what happened at Three Mile Island, and the radioactive release from that accident wasn't that significant, thanks to the reactor vessel still in one piece to minimize radioactive release.

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