воскресенье, 22 мая 2011 г.

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  • MorphingDragon
    May 2, 09:33 AM
    Please, enlighten us how "Unix Security" is protecting you here, more than it would on Windows ? I'd be delighted to hear your explanation.

    A lot of people trumpet "Unix Security" without even understanding what it means.

    It means magical freaken Unicorns! Apple should replace the padlock with this. Much more effective at getting the message across.


    (Yes you saw that correctly)

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  • mgamber
    Jul 7, 12:47 PM
    I've had a good experience with the new phone as well. With the 3G and 3GS, I was never, in two years, able to hold a call longer than 5 minutes before it was dropped. Seriously, not even one. Once I bought cases for the new phone and eliminated the antenna problem, I've held conversations over half an hour and then ended when I ended them, not when they were dropped, and data is at least 50% faster than it had been with previous phones. Same story with my son's new iPhone. I may still buy a repeater because I still get one bar and pitiful data speeds, but at least the phone can finally be used as a phone.

    Per AT&T...on pre-order day I went to the local AT&T store to place my order and, as expected, it was complete bedlam. I put my name on the list and waited in line and was eventually called to the counter by "Troy" who took my order for two new phones, writing everything down and swiping the plastic thru the old fashioned imprint thing and everything. He told me that at some point AT&T was going to shut down the online store entirely so they could enter their orders, he'd get them in as soon as he could and sure enough, later that evening I received two emails, one per order entered. He also said that I wouldn't be sorry, the new phones were supposed to have much better reception. Fast forward a bit and I get a text message from Troy telling me that my phones had arrived and I could come in at any time to pick them up. So I go into the AT&T store and, once again, it's total bedlam. As Troy activates my phone, some idiot standing next to me is so mad that he can't just buy an iPhone that he slams his iPad on the counter so hard it breaks. I couldn't help it and laughed out loud and he stormed out. That's what kind of idiocy these people had to put up with. All done, both phones work and then Troy tells me that it was like pulling teeth but he got my 3rd line to be eligible, also. I had broken an iPhone six months ago and got an OOW replacement so it wasn't eligible for an upgrade. Somehow he managed to pull it off and did I want to get a new iPhone for that one, also. You bet! He'll shoot me a text message when it arrives.

    About 20 minutes later I realized the phone had a problem with the antenna and needed a case. For some odd reason, a senior moment I guess, I went to the Apple store where I was greeted by two armed police and some girl who had attitude coming off of her like heat off a black sedan in summer. "What do YOU want?" she spat, never looking away from her oh-so-important iPad screen that never changed. I told her I bought a couple new iPhones and needed cases for them. "We don't have any" and that was the end of the "conversation". No suggesting I ask someone who wasn't an a**hole, no suggesting trying AT&T, nothing. So I walked the extra 100 feet to AT&T where a woman who wasn't busy being yelled at led me to a drawer full of cases, let me grab a couple and even open one to make sure I liked the look and so on. Later, when the AT&T surveys came, I made sure to give Troy and that woman the highest scores available.

    So it depends on who you deal with. The folks at AT&T couldn't have been more pleasant and the whole thing couldn't have gone easier despite the circus going on around them. And I will never set foot in an Apple store again. They are the definition of needless, bulls**t arrogance. If my Macbook Pro, either Macbook, iMac, iPad or any of the 5 iPhones I own ever need serviced, I'll call and ask them to send a box rather than deal with that mall trash again.

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  • rxse7en
    Oct 11, 01:40 PM
    Er... No rotation with nVidia? nVidia supports rotation on Windows, haven't tried it on Mac. I don't see any option for it on my G5, but I just assumed it was a limitation of the 30" Dell I'm using (doesn't rotate). Actually that's a dumb assumption. Weird... Wonder why.

    I'd like the link to that coupon as well too... Although it probably doesn't work with the current 15% off (which expires today, doesn't it?).

    Here ya go: http://forums.us.dell.com/supportforums/board/message?board.id=creativecontest&message.id=143&l=en&s=dhs

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  • javajedi
    Oct 13, 05:48 PM

    I have my theory as to why java took the lead over C in the sqrt example. There is quite a common misconception about Java that it's always slow, and there is a reason for it. Back in the early days prior to 1.2, it wasn't uncommon to see something like we did here run 10,20, or even 30 times slower then C. VM's today (1.4 /w hotspot) are much smarter than they were years ago. IMO, Hotspot makes the conventional "just in time compilers" look like a thing of the past.

    Anyways, when you really think about it, Java really has an extra card up it's sleeve. Sure we tell GCC we want max optimizations, (03, etc), but GCC is limited to compile-time optimization. I think since java has adaptive runtime optimizations, specifically hotspot, the runtime optimization is what really makes the difference.

    The reason why it's called "HotSpot", is literally because it looks for "hot spots" by profiling on the fly at runtime. Pretty cool, huh? Your first adaptive optimizations kick in second time the loop is ran. Not to mention the conventional JIT optimizations... code will natively compile and so you eliminate the costly overhead of bytecode translations.

    Lastly, I am going to do the matrix operation you spoke about, I have to finish up some course work, so I may not get to it tonight, but as soon as I can devote some time to it, I will.

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  • Scarlet Fever
    Jul 12, 01:26 AM
    Sorry but I think I have lost hope for OS X
    Funny choice, noting your username...

    Apple can't afford to use anything less that 4 x 2.5GHz for their high-end machine, because on paper, it doesnt look as impressive. If Intel cant get the hardware right, Apple should just upgrade the G5 and wait till Intel can get 16x PCI, 4 cores, etc.

    Just a moment of reflection... a year ago, if someone asked us which Intel chip we thought would find its way into a PowerMac , we would probably curse them for blasphemy :rolleyes: . Now were having a poll, and getting excited about the prospect of Woodcrest chips...

    As to the poster who wished for the Apple Mac, i think that would be brilliant. i want a machine which i can put new parts in, but doesn't cost me an arm to buy. Here, the base model G5 powermac is around 3000, which is out of my price range. If they introduced something like the iMac, but with user replaceable parts, i think they would sell well.

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  • r0k
    Apr 14, 03:09 PM
    The OP was not banned. Just check the 1st post of this thread to see the OP is still around.

    Doh! That's what I get for repeating something I read in a forum without checking it out for myself. Sure enough, clicking on the OP user name reveals they posted as recently as yesterday. :o Oops!

    Edit (updated info): I got this thread mixed up with the "mac vs pc spec for spec thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=660203)". It was the OP in that thread that was banned. Double Oops!

    Your comment about "suffering with 7 all day" is surprising to me. I don't know if I've seen Windows 7 experience a full OS crash. And I've been toying with Win 7 since it was in beta.

    Sure, it ain't perfect, but I find Win 7 pretty darn efficient overall. I haven't encountered any OS related issues with 7 yet. Application quirks, sure, but not really any OS problems.

    I'd say OS X and Win 7 are much more comparable than Vista or XP.

    Again, it comes down mostly to what you need a computer to do.

    Cheers, all.

    Actually I should mention that it's not simply 7 I'm suffering with. It's the crap our IT people do to 7 that I'm suffering with. I can't watch any Youtube video without freezes and pauses and the applications they make us use should be outlawed as cruel and unusual punishment.

    One of the biggest annoyances I brought on myself by dragging my start button to the top of the screen so it would look more "Mac like". I wound up fighting with it day in day out as it overlaid window controls and refused to get out of the way. Once I dragged it back where "it belongs", my life got a lot easier.

    Granted I can move my dock around in OS X at least the OS X menu bar stays where it belongs and I never get into conflicts where some window control I need is hiding off the edge of the screen or behind the menu bar. OTOH, the dock gets in my way any time I'm near the bottom of the window I'm using. I should really do something about it.

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  • GGJstudios
    May 2, 09:15 PM
    Just another reason for people to use Firefox.
    Unchecking a single box isn't justification for switching browsers. If you don't like Safari, fine. But this isn't a reason for anyone to leave Safari.

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  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 12, 06:52 AM
    Xeon! Conroe (Core 2 Duo)is going in the iMac

    No, I believe Apple will pop the Core 2 Duo Merom into the iMac. It's supposedly a drop-in replacement for the current Core Duo processor the iMac currently uses.

    Additionally, the Edu-iMac won't be upgraded for a while yet, so that when the new Merom iMac _is_ released (WWDC), there will be a bigger difference between the Edu-iMac and the full iMac.

    I'm _sure_ that Apple has a surpise for us wrt the Conroe /Conroe XE CPU.... a nice smallish desktop Mac (we can hope, can't we?) :cool:

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  • balamw
    Apr 9, 06:01 AM
    You can't cut and paste, only copy and paste.

    A lot of games won't work on mac.

    The magic mouse is absolutely horrible, so stay away.

    They heat quite quickly.

    Cut and Paste is a limitation of Finder only. You can Cut and Paste files in other alternatives and of-course in apps like Word, etc...

    Many of those games will work in Boot Camp under Windows.

    Preference in mice is a personal thing. I absolutely love the Magic Trackpads built into the Macbook Pros. And since you are not limited to a particular mouse, just bring along what you are most comfortable with.

    Heat is a mixed bag. For "normal" use (we browsing, etc...) I find the situation better than the typical PC. I hated the Dell notebook work had issued me because it sounded like a wind tunnnel at idle. Gaming, or other intensive use of the system does generate a lot of heat and I would not recommend using it on your unprotected lap under those circumstances.


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  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 11:17 AM
    Dear MacRumors,

    Please don't judge Christians based on this one ignorant post.


    We should judge Christians on what they profess to believe to be the inspired (or literal) word of god: The Bible.

    Good thing that "one ignorant post" didn't use any passages from The Bib....aww, crap!

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  • alexf
    Aug 29, 11:36 AM
    My family, two parents and two kids, have purchased 6 ipods over the years.

    Replaced batteries on two of them.

    Never thrown any of them away.

    Still use all of them. Why would anyone throw an out dated ipod away?

    Try to think in the long term: where do you think these iPods will end up in 20 years? I highly doubt anyone will still be using an iPod they bought a quarter century ago.

    I am afraid that, in that sense, iPods are very disposable.

    Although the situation is becoming much more urgent with the rapic climate changes that are happening in the world faster than predicted, much of environmentalism is about thinking in the long term, and the environmental impact that company products and policy can have.

    And in this regard, Apple indeed scores very low, which only goes to show that they are really no different than a typical corporation that cares far more about its immediate profit than the earth and its future generations.

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  • Doctor Q
    Mar 18, 05:57 PM
    Like, where's my credit for providing Macrumors with the link/story, about 8 hours ago???

    Guess that 'DRM' has been stripped....hmmm...the ironyWhat kind of credit do you think you were denied? Most submissions are anonymous and if you submitted this story 8 hours before the time of your post that was still hours after somebody else had submitted the same story.

    MacRumors normally gives credit to a member who first provides a story when the member has been identified, but that wasn't the case here.

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  • GGJstudios
    May 2, 05:21 PM
    A few people need to stop being so short sighted in trying to meticulously defend the idea of "no viruses on Macs". Ultimately it's a rather hollow ideal to uphold because uninitiated users accept it as gospel and it doesn't encourage them to adopt safe computer practices.
    It's not an "idea" that there are no viruses in the wild that run on Mac OS X; it's a fact. Whether malware is a virus or trojan is important, because it determines what defense is required. Rather than lump everything together and erroneously call it a virus, it's more helpful to properly identify what kind of threat it is, so users know how best to handle it. Even in the absence of viruses, safe computer practices are always encouraged, such as not pirating software or downloading codecs or plug-ins from disreputable sites. In fact, it's more helpful to encourage safe computing practices than to recommend antivirus apps, which can give a user a false sense of security.

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  • bartzilla
    Apr 20, 08:17 AM
    One thing I would say, as someone who didn't "switch" but who uses both quite comfortably, is that you need to appreciate how the system works and try and work with it rather than against it, so rather than saying "This is how I used to do things in Windows, now what can I do on a Mac that's similar to the way I used to do it in Windows" you need to think about what you're trying to achieve and find out what neat ways the mac has of getting that done.

    This goes both ways, trying to use Windows as if it was Mac OSX isn't much fun, either.

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  • blue22
    Apr 12, 11:00 PM
    Steve Jobs said the new version would be "awesome," well I disagree. He was completely wrong... IT IS FREAKIN' ASTOUNDING! Bravo Apple!


    Yes, this is a great update for FCP. And the $299 price tag makes it that much more "astounding" so I don't know why some people here are bemoaning this release.

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  • thereubster
    Nov 3, 04:41 AM
    OK to swerve this thread back on topic, what if Apple is planning to unleash a massive multi-core assault and fill that big middle gap in the lineup at the same time?
    Here's the theory;
    January Macworld Steve unveils the 8 core Mac Pro, no surprises there, shows off the massive power using Leopard demo's etc. Great for Pro's (like Multimedia and myself) but not much use to the average guy. Prices stay the same or even rise slightly, after all, we are talking 8 cores here. Previously you needed to spend $7-8k to get that kind of power. But what if the one more thing was a Kentsfield Mac Pro (using the C2Q6600), a i975 Mb with DDR2 ram, etc, etc . Sloting into that $1400-2000 zone? I dont see this competing with the iMac, esp. since you get a 24" screen with your $2000 iMac. It's just another choice. Use the same case, make it black or something, but you now have
    Mac Mini 2 cores
    iMac 2 cores + Widescreen display
    Mac Prosumer 4 cores + upgradeable
    Mac Pro 8 cores for ultimate power.

    Sounds good......:)

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  • myamid
    Sep 12, 07:05 PM
    Yes, except the point is the iTunes/Movie interface with EyeHome does not have. What is cool is you can now use BOTH!!!

    And the HD capabilities of iTV exceed Eyehome.

    Considering the quality of the content on iTunes... I'd say what I stream is about on par so I'm not loosing out too much...

    And your first comment only applied to DRM protected content... for anything else, EyeHome is totally integrated with iTunes, iPhoto and movies...

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  • uefigs139
    Sep 12, 05:00 PM

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  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 06:44 AM
    I would consider myself a hardcore gamer and I'm not ashamed of it. I went to PAX East the last 2 years and own all 3 home consoles plus a PSP, 3DS, DSi, iPhone and iPad. Gaming kept me away from all the drugs and alcohol that my friends were doing in high school. I'm almost 30 now and I'm married, have a good job, have a beautiful home and a beautiful wife, so lets not get stereotyped.

    May 5, 11:05 AM
    They needed to do a study to figure this out?

    Full of Win
    Mar 18, 10:37 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    What we need need to do is to use our rights to their maximum amount. If you are on the so-called unlimited plan, download all that you can until you reach 4.5 GB per month (as shown by myAtt.app). Also, download during the day if possible, to cost them even more for peak usage. Leaving data on the table every month is for suckers.

    Jul 11, 10:01 PM
    My credit card is ready! I would love a machine to make Aperture a little more zippy.

    Oct 25, 10:29 PM
    seems unlikely that Clovertown would replace the current Mac Pros... just add another high end config.
    It would be the first for Apple. :cool:

    May 2, 09:29 AM
    I am not concerned with malware that requires user intervention and a few clicks to install things. I am more concerned with malware that installs silently without you seeing any pop-ups or stuff like that.

    Kind of like those pwn2own contests I think are over-rated. "Pwn" my machine without me having to click anything, visit any website or anything. I'll just boot my machine, leave it at the login screen and let you do your thing. You can't touch it physically, just find a way in.

    If it wants to infect the system fully, it can't do that silently, unless you have no password or a weak one set for your account.

    Except this is not a virus. Some of you guys need a course on malware terminology. This is a trojan at best. Spyware at worst. Hardly a virus.

    I would just call it scareware.

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