воскресенье, 22 мая 2011 г.

anneliese michel exorcism

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  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 04:51 PM
    unbiased as opposed to a Mac site.... yeah right!

    Mac users tend to be a better target for old fashioned phishing/vishing because...well, 'nothing bad happens on a Mac..' right?

    Now from google pointing 'sources', you are consistently jumping on to mac users, eh?

    Good going.

    Yup nothing happens to my mac except for what I do it. It's that simple. Why don't you just ask Google why they decided to abandon Windows?

    anneliese michel exorcism. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • balamw
    Apr 16, 09:39 AM
    I received my refurb iPad 1 yesterday and was very impressed with how Apple packages their refurbs. Nice!

    You would be more impressed with the regular retail packaging. It's like what they use or refurbs, but even more Apple-like.


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  • Peterkro
    Mar 14, 06:18 PM
    Number 2 reactor explosion,possible containment vessel rupture (I hope not) doesn't sound good.
    (it appears a expansion tank blew as it's directly connected to the main vessel this is not good)


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  • blahblah100
    Apr 28, 04:14 PM
    Yup, and early PCs had bugs too. Keep living in the past . . .

    Living in the past? :confused:

    The Amazon outage was last week and the Playstation network is still down.


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  • caspersoong
    May 3, 05:47 AM
    This won't deter me from getting a Mac. Ever.

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  • IgnatiusTheKing
    Aug 25, 05:11 AM
    It's funny how the only place that people are unhappy with AT&T service and the iPhone is in surveys and on these forums.

    While I won't pretend I read that entire, giant block of unformatted text, I will say that this is hardly the only place people complain about AT&T service. Though there are undoubtedly people that get great service and rarely drop calls on the carrier, AT&T service is almost universally disliked and has become the butt of many jokes, both on and off the Internet.

    Agree about the iPhone, though I suspect most of the complaining here is due to the fact that people rarely sign up for a message board account (you being a notable exception, of course) just to say that everything is fine.

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  • yg17
    Mar 24, 07:20 PM
    Awww....boo ****ing hoo.

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  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 05:05 AM
    Er...have you seen the MacBook Pro pricing? The MacBook pricing? The iMac pricing? The Mini pricing? (Which went UP by a fair amount). If you're thinking that x86 processors are cheaper than PPC, you're sadly mistaken. Cheap computers being cheap has just about nothing whatsoever to do with the CPU....


    Well, the Mini got more expensive, but it's capabilities went WAY up. Optical audio in and out, twice the USB-ports (fixing the two biggest complaints about the old Mini), built-in wireless, about twice as fast CPU (hell, the new low-end is propably over 50% faster than the old hi-end!) and Core Image compliant video.

    Comparing price and capabilities, The Mini just got a whole lot cheaper :). The low-end Mini costs the same as the old hi-end Mini, but the new low-end Mini is a lot better than the old hi-end Mini.

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  • SPUY767
    Jul 12, 08:58 AM
    I doubt that Apple are able to charge the "normal" Mac premium after the intel transition, since it is much simpler to compare Macs with another PCs. Almost like Apple for Apple. ;)

    Name another consumer workstation with a XEON Processor in it. For XEON based machines, the Apple's will be a deal, much like the XServes were the cheapest 1u you could get with the power.

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  • mdelvecchio
    Apr 21, 02:37 PM
    This virus talk is full of ignorance. Mac OSX is not more secure than Windows. Windows is just targeted more, because of the marketshare.

    If you think that Apple writes perfect code everytime then you have no idea what you're talking about.

    youre citing "security by obscurity", and its been debunked. OS X has much more marketshare than 9 did, yet has no viruses where 9 did have viruses.

    UNIX is inherently more secure than windows. its how the OSes are designed that makes windows more vulnerable.


    anneliese michel exorcism. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • peharri
    Sep 20, 01:51 PM
    I think iTV is a waste of time and money for apple. In essence, the mac mini can do ALL OF THAT, plus more, minus the ability to go out via HDMI. If apple just upgraded FRONT ROW to the quality of the iTV user interface, you have an iTV right there on the mac mini! Just add some more ports, including HDMI, cable in for DVR recording, a massive hard drive, and you have a MAC MEDIA CENTER PC! What about connecting to other machines to share content? YOU CAN ALREADY DO THAT!!! In iTunes you say "share my media on my network" and any computer with iTunes can read that information! Come on apple...this iTV thing is a WASTE. It's a dumb down mac mini...apple will make way more money selling mac mini's with TIGER/LEOPARD on it, so not only would you get a DVR, STREAMING MOVIES, DOWNLOADABLE MOVIES TO PLAY ON YOUR TV, but you get WEB TV!!! Or edit a MOVIE ON YOUR BIG ASS TV! Sorry for the rant...I just don't know why apple doesn't merge both technologies together in one system to compete with media center pc, and convert MORE mac sales.

    The iTV is going to be $300. You're talking about ordinary users paying well over $600 for a set top box. Requiring that they get a Mac mini raises the barrier to entry but doesn't provide any significant advantage to the person who just wants iTunes on their TV.

    anneliese michel exorcism. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 01:27 PM
    It would help the iPad, in the manner you are describing it, if, like an Android/Honeycomb tablet it was a machine in it's own right.

    If you look at the way it works, and the way Apple have designed the OS, it's obvious that Apple do not see the iPad as an independent PC, and that Apple themselves see it, and have designed it to be just an extension of your "Real" personal computer.

    We are having to rely on 3th party apps to get around Apple's official built in limitations for the device, It's linked totally to just one computer running iTunes, you can't even connect it to say your PC, your friends, PC and your works PC to upload and download data to and from the various machines.

    The iPad, as designed, with Apples official software is made so that you set thing up and organise things on your PC or Mac, then you dock your iPad (your mobile extension of your PC) you do a few things, then you come back, re-dock the iPad and it get's backed up.

    That's the device that Apple made and how they see it.
    It's not the iPad's fault. It's how Apple have made it.

    The fact that with some 3rd party apps you can extend it's functionality beyond how Apple see the device is neither here nor there.

    Personally, I very VERY much hope Apple do allow the iPad to grow into a fully independent device and break it's lock down link to iTunes.

    Unfortunately, seeing as the iTunes link is Apple's money making link, I cannot see them allowing this to happen for a long time, meaning it will never grow to it's full potential as a fully independent device.

    Well put.

    This is why I don't think it's a PC. It's getting there but it's still too restricted in it's current guise.

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 10, 12:33 PM
    Mobile gaming has been around for years in the form of handheld consoles. Hasn't really affected consoles that you plug into your TV/monitor.

    How is going to blur?

    The psp slim & lite can output to a TV. Didn't really do much for PSP sales though. What use is it outputting a game from an ipad to the TV when you have limited control input options. The lack of buttons or real inputs will severely limit the types of games devices like the ipad can do.

    I take it you do then :rolleyes:

    This is Apple of and this is the iPad and iOS.

    Entirely, entirely different ballgame from any other handheld on the market.

    As far as the limits of touch-based gaming goes . . . come back in 2-3 years and *then* keep telling me about limits.

    Interesting how Apple is turning non-gamers in to gamers, and we're not hearing about the alleged horrid limits of touch-based gaming.

    Yes, and touchscreens on smartphones will *never* replace physical keyboards. We all know how that turned out, right?

    Fear of change? It's thick in these forums.

    In January 2010 people looked at the iPad and didn't quite understand what was going on. Didn't know where to put it, what category to fit it into. To some it was amusing at best. To others it was ridiculous and redundant. To a few it was total genius.

    Today it's a household name and a device millions upon millions of people have and use every day - many of them just average, non tech-savvy folks. And it's the device that drives the post-PC era. And demand by both consumers and developers and content providers is exploding, and will continue unabated for the foreseeable future.

    PSP Slim? DS? LOL is all I have to say. Like the Palm Centro and Cli� before the iPhone. These aren't even a factor anymore.

    anneliese michel exorcism. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • babyj
    Sep 20, 12:11 PM
    What do you do with your Xbox that would been relevant to watching videos on your TV?

    Can you load Vids onto the Xbox HD and play them??

    If you fit a mod chip to an Xbox it allows you to do lots of cool things, including upgrading the hard drive and run non certified software (eg homebrew, open source).

    Probaby the most popular is Xbox Media Centre, which is what it says and does it pretty well. So for about £150 you end up with a decent media centre which isn't bad, plus its a game console as well.

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  • Digitalclips
    May 2, 02:28 PM
    About as huge as most windows ones!

    Difference being Windows users don't have to accept an invitation then enter an admin user name and password for most stuff they get zonked with.

    BTW, Just curious, did the Scottish folks that founded your town not know how to spell or is it a typo in your town name?

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  • macMan228
    Apr 20, 05:26 PM
    Looks like we're waiting till summer of 2012 for a LTE iPhone....

    Hopefully Jobs will be back sooner rather than later

    Also, to add to the lack of LTE; looks like I'm buying an iPhone 4 :apple:

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Mar 15, 10:41 PM
    Chernobyl was 25 years ago and Russia was not very open to outside help ... no matter how bad this escalades ... somehow this will be contained.

    Irrespective of that, given that the reactor design is not the same as Chernobyl an accident of that sort is simply not possible with these reactor types. Chernobyl was a supercriticality event, a runaway nuclear reaction which is a high risk in a high positive void coefficient design like the RBMK which uses graphite as a moderator and water simply for cooling. Loss of cooling in this design leads to a nuclear explosion due to gas bubbles being less off a neutron absorber than liquid and burning graphite along with it. BWR designs such as the ones in Fukushima can't go supercritical if coolant is lost. Thus an explosion and moderator burn such as the one in Chernobyl can't happen. As such, the worst case is a local loss of containment and core melt that can lead to moderate amounts of radioactivity escaping into the immediate local environment. A widespread contamination over hundreds of square miles is simply not possible. As such, the current news reporting is irresponsible spreading of half baked information and knowledge and nothing but fearmongering.
    The same goes for some of the BS that is being posted about Germany's reactors or other reactors in western Europe for that matter. Western EU countries do not use RBMK type technology or other high positive void coefficient designs, the only ones that still do is the Czech Republic and a few other former Soviet countries and these reactors are being phased out and being replaced by modern LWR and other designs with western aid.

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  • gohanmzt
    Apr 20, 06:47 PM
    Once you use Windows, you are doing something stupid :D
    Well not really, I guess if you want a computer that is cheap and weak, you can get a Windows computer.


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  • G5isAlive
    Mar 18, 09:51 AM
    Sir it is perfect.

    You are paying for the same thing.

    I have an unlimted plan

    and I never have gone over 5gb

    if one has a 2gb plan and never goes over and we both surf on the internet
    Tethering whats the difference?

    I have no idea why you can't understand Data=Data
    both are pure
    the logic so you understand

    I drink water = use Data on the phone
    I pour water over my head = Data through tethering

    So its valid. Using the same amount of substance, what we pay for, to do things in different ways, what should not matter.

    Amount should be the issue not how I used it.

    even my 10 year old son LOL when we talked about this, he said he doesn't understand why you would pay twice for the same thing.

    Obviously it escapes you.


    I recommend you go to someone other than your 10 year old son for legal advice as it is clear you have no idea what a contract is. While you may wish the amount is the issue, that is not what you agreed to. Its also clear you don't understand how AT&T comes up with their pricing models and how your selfish actions effect us all.

    Again, no one forced you to enter into an agreement with AT&T. There were other phones. And now that Verizon has the iPhone you can even switch carriers.

    But you did agree, and now you are operating outside that agreement and crying foul. Sorry, the foul is on you. It doesn't matter if you think they are charging too much etc, any more than you can go in to a store and buy one bottle and steal one bottle of your beloved water because you think their price is too high.

    If you feel you are operating under your contract legally, then have the backbone to enter into legal action. I am sure there is a class action hungry lawyer who would love to take on AT&T for some quick bucks, if in fact you do have a case.

    But we both know, you don't have a case because you are in fact operating outside the contract.

    Just because you can fool a 10 year old into justifying your actions, does not mean you can fool the rest of us.

    Oct 8, 08:48 AM
    ...With the Clovertowns, the system was 20% faster than the Woodies (even at 800 MHz slower per core), at almost exactly the same wattage (1 or 2 watts more)...

    Faster at what? I'm too lazy to find the part in the keynote where they showed this. Was it 20% faster at something designed to use all 8 cores?

    Sep 12, 06:23 PM
    Honestly though, who would want to stream HD??
    1st, if the iTV did support HD, apple would "probably" have to sell HD content - and like hell I'm downloading a 9GB movie!!

    2nd, HardDisk space disappears fast enough as it is...!

    3rd, Why??? I have an HDTV and I barely see the difference between DVDs and 720p HDTV... (1080i is another matter).

    If it did support HD??

    thats kinda stupid considering it has HDMI and component connectors.

    Aug 30, 11:38 AM
    From Cult of Mac's blog (http://blog.wired.com/cultofmac/) on the issue:

    I have now had the chance to read through Greenpeace's "Guide to Greener Electronics," and there are a few things that should be clarified about where Apple ranks.

    First of all, the article I linked this morning claimed that Apple and Lenovo were at the bottom of the charts. Well, that's not true. Lenovo scored an appalling 1.3 out of 10 while Apple pulled a marginally more successful 2.7 out of 10. In between were Motorola and Acer.

    The criticisms of Apple are fair, I would say, though I think there's some nuance to what HP is doing with recycling that tends to make it look unfavorably better than others. Why? Ink cartridges and printers. HP has a lot more to take back than any other company, so their commitment to percentage of sales taken back is actually a possibility.

    Given that Apple actually offers free computer recycling with the purchase of a computer, something that Dell does but HP does not, it's odd to say they're doing less to keep computers out of the waste stream. On the other hand, Apple has no takeback goals, so it really does balance out.

    The other criticisms of Apple are on target, however. The company is secretive, and that meets they tend to be secretive about their environmental planning as well. They have a regulated substances list, but it isn't public. They're committed to eliminating PVCs, but won't say when. Ditto for BFRs.

    It's not necessarily that Apple's environmental record is legitimately bad, but they do a very poor job of informing their customers about their environmental efforts. Silence is suspicious here, folks.

    Mar 14, 12:18 AM
    I hope you are aware that Bikini Atol is exactly where Godzilla was born.
    I cannot like this comment enough. I'm a life long Godzilla fan!

    Sep 12, 05:10 PM
    About 18 months too late but I can't wait for it.

    Apple have thought this one through well.

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